January 2009

Sue has joined the famous "Vivaldi's Women" (SPAV) choir, as Bass I, at the invitation of the Director. Schola Pietatis Antonio Vivaldi is an all-female ensemble of singers and players which aims to recreate the sound of Vivaldi's Figlie di Coro, those foundlings at Venice's Ospedale della Pietà, where the composer spent much of his career. It reflects both the age and vocal ranges of Vivaldi's musicians, with women aged 14 to 60+, some singing tenor and bass at pitch! You may have seen the award-winning BBC4 Documentary about them. Sue, with the choir and orchestra, filmed a documentary for Sky TV based on Peter Ackroyd's forthcoming book Venice, and recorded a DVD and CD in February, both of which will be available by the fall. For more information, see our website and Vivaldi's Women on YouTube.