
June 2012

Some great news on the opera horizon, more details will be released as plans develop but here's a taster: I'm singing a small principal role the Nickel City Opera August 2013 production of Handel Agrippina. In fact, I'll be working with NCO to form the first ever Early Music Fest in the Buffalo/ Niagara region! The highlight of the festival will be Agrippina, so we'll be putting out a call for performers, scholars, and researchers from across the canon. I'm also going to be involved with Opera Week 2012 in two exciting events: Sat Nov 3rd, Rockwell Hall, Buff State through OperaBuffs of WNY in their Inside Opera Lecture Series; and Sun Nov. 4th, St. Joseph's University Parish, Buffalo for Celebrate Opera WNY. In both events, I'll be giving Lecture-Performances on low female voices in opera, using examples from my own experiences in Baroque opera, footage of Vivaldi's Women, examination of upcoming Met Live broadcasts, and live performance of a range of opera arias. Check the Events calendar for exact details.